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Kitchenette Pajamas

Is this not the cutest thing?

Kitchenette Pajamas from Decades of Style.
How comfy it would be done up in a stable cotton knit to wear while watching that last episode of Law & Order sipping a cup of caffeine-free, sugar-free cafe suisse mocha before bed! I have been working with my inner brat (the one that wants to stay up late to watch true-life murder movies on Lifetime) to establish a bedtime routine to help us get to bed on time and she would love this outfit so much she'd be thrilled to climb into it all cleansed, toned and moisturized and ready for beddy-bye by 9:00 p.m. That'd give us a whole hour to lounge before lights out. I think my sweet little inner child needs this pattern. Maybe I will buy it for her if she doesn't buy fast food and goes to bed on time for a week.


Anonymous said…
Yeah, yeah, do it! Make the jammies! And while you're at it, you can make a pair for your bratty little seestor! :-)

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