Working on the Today's Fit T-Shirt (smaller view below):

I just have to record my amazement that I am in the D-E-F size of this pattern. I have lost 60 pounds in the past year and am not used to the smaller pattern size. I look at the pattern pieces and marvel that they seem so small. But they fit me!
I'm on the 3rd toile and almost to a perfect fit. Here's the rundown:
On the first try I cut out Size D to shoulder, transitioning to size F at (and including) the underarm.
From this first toile I determined that the following alterations were needed:
Sloping shoulder 3/4"
Forward shoulder 1/2"
Lower bust dart 1"
Keep the size D through to the underarm and transition to F below the armscye (to correct fabric bunching up above the bust and under the arm).
The shoulders looked too narrow on the first toiles, but I wasn't sure, so I decided to leave them the same for the next toile.
The sleeves have so much ease that they seem almost gathered so on the last toile I shaved off some sleeve cap height as an experiment and they looked better, but I'm going to stick to the pattern from now on until everything else is fixed and change the sleeve cap later if necessary.
On the 3rd toile, I tried a v-neck design change--nice! But, although it does look nice, it doesn't yet feel right.
I made the shoulder too far forward.
Speaking of shoulders, they are in fact too narrow at size D.
I think the bunching above the bust would be corrected with a petite adjustment.
For the 4th, and perhaps last, toile. I'm going to re-trace the pattern in size F all around keeping the v-neck design, and do the following alterations:
Sloping shoulder 3/4"
Forward shoulder 1/4"
Petite adjustment above bust 3/4"
Lower bust dart 1.5"
Shave about 5/8" off the top of the sleeve cap (if needed)
I am out of knit fabric. Guess I better buy some more! I've almost got a tried 'n true t-shirt pattern!!

I just have to record my amazement that I am in the D-E-F size of this pattern. I have lost 60 pounds in the past year and am not used to the smaller pattern size. I look at the pattern pieces and marvel that they seem so small. But they fit me!
I'm on the 3rd toile and almost to a perfect fit. Here's the rundown:
On the first try I cut out Size D to shoulder, transitioning to size F at (and including) the underarm.
From this first toile I determined that the following alterations were needed:
Sloping shoulder 3/4"
Forward shoulder 1/2"
Lower bust dart 1"
Keep the size D through to the underarm and transition to F below the armscye (to correct fabric bunching up above the bust and under the arm).
The shoulders looked too narrow on the first toiles, but I wasn't sure, so I decided to leave them the same for the next toile.
The sleeves have so much ease that they seem almost gathered so on the last toile I shaved off some sleeve cap height as an experiment and they looked better, but I'm going to stick to the pattern from now on until everything else is fixed and change the sleeve cap later if necessary.
On the 3rd toile, I tried a v-neck design change--nice! But, although it does look nice, it doesn't yet feel right.
I made the shoulder too far forward.
Speaking of shoulders, they are in fact too narrow at size D.
I think the bunching above the bust would be corrected with a petite adjustment.
For the 4th, and perhaps last, toile. I'm going to re-trace the pattern in size F all around keeping the v-neck design, and do the following alterations:
Sloping shoulder 3/4"
Forward shoulder 1/4"
Petite adjustment above bust 3/4"
Lower bust dart 1.5"
Shave about 5/8" off the top of the sleeve cap (if needed)
I am out of knit fabric. Guess I better buy some more! I've almost got a tried 'n true t-shirt pattern!!