Yep, we bought a sectional sofa with ottoman. BRAND NEW. With cash money that we actually saved up special (we no longer use credit cards). Here are pictures of the same design & swatch of our color:

We got this 3-piece set from Costco for just under $950, which, after traipsing to every furniture store in town and much internet searching, we knew was a great deal. One internet furniture store wants $1500 before shipping for the same 3 pieces. My obsession over getting just the right sectional at the right price was eating into my sewing time, so I'm glad it's finally done! And it looks fabulous!

We got this 3-piece set from Costco for just under $950, which, after traipsing to every furniture store in town and much internet searching, we knew was a great deal. One internet furniture store wants $1500 before shipping for the same 3 pieces. My obsession over getting just the right sectional at the right price was eating into my sewing time, so I'm glad it's finally done! And it looks fabulous!