Take a hunk o' material, interfacing, knitted collars and buttons and let them age a bit:

Remove pattern from envelope. Let that age a bit. Alter the previous alterations:

Cut out material and sew the shirts:

Happy husband likes the shirts I make him:

These really did turn out nice and went together very easily. Here are the additional alterations I did to eliminate flapping sleeves and too-low armholes:
Raise armhole and reduce width in sleeve and corresponding width in underarm. Add a bit to the sides to make up for lost width taken out at underarm. I also added a self-band to the bottom of the sleeve instead of hemming. Next time I must remember to serge-finish the edges of the placket right after fusing and before sewing to shirt.

Remove pattern from envelope. Let that age a bit. Alter the previous alterations:

Cut out material and sew the shirts:

Happy husband likes the shirts I make him:

These really did turn out nice and went together very easily. Here are the additional alterations I did to eliminate flapping sleeves and too-low armholes:
Raise armhole and reduce width in sleeve and corresponding width in underarm. Add a bit to the sides to make up for lost width taken out at underarm. I also added a self-band to the bottom of the sleeve instead of hemming. Next time I must remember to serge-finish the edges of the placket right after fusing and before sewing to shirt.