Yes.....progress! When I realized how much sewing I have planned, Dh moved my cutting table (plastic-topped folding rectangular table with pvc risers into the house to free up the dining table and get my workspace at a comfortable and back-saving height. I'm happy to report that 4 workshirts are cut out and pockets & plackets are interfaced and marked. About those plackets, remember I wanted to make them out of the same color as the pants? Well, due to the lack of selection at Jojos (olive green was only available in a dry-clean-only wool suiting fabric) I compromised and chose a khaki-colored twill instead. I think it'll still add a nice touch to the shirts. There's enough blue knit left to make this for me:
I got this Butterick 4290 (funnelneck view) custom-drafted from Unique. I've made it once before and it fits okay, in that I didn't have to alter for full bust, swayback, and hip amplitude. The armholes are awfully low and it makes the shirt feel baggy on me. Raising armholes is one alteration I have mastered so I can easily do that for this pattern. If the shirt still feels large, it will also be easy to take in the sides as well. And speaking of Unique--I received my re-drafted pants. I'm rarin' to finish these shirts and do up a toile of the re-draft.
