A TV shelf for my sewing corner
My husband is wonderful. He ordered this TV shelf & undershelf unit from Stacks and Stacks for me for Christmas. Marcy, a terrifically helpful S&S goddess, told me he came in with the above picture and looking lost. They didn't carry the item in the store so he bought a gift certificate and gave it to me. What a guy. He knows I love shelves. I traipsed over to S&S the day after Christmas and Marcy ordered the set for me. The corner unit came in pretty quickly but I just picked up the undershelf yesterday. And today I get to install it! Whoo Hoo! Think of the workspace I'll gain when I get my little TV up off the sewing table! Before I install it, though, I'm going to finish one of the bridesmaid tops--can't get too sidetracked from the alterations because I have no intention of staying up til 2 in the morning before the wedding doing stuff I could've done well before. After all, on Kim's big day I have to look, if not gorgeous, at least well-rested.