Lookit! Lookit my new serger! Ordered it today from allbrands.com. I got the serger, which comes with quite a list of goodies, and the accessory set that includes extra feet and a workbook that I hear from PR is worth getting. $355 from the warehouse to my doorstep. I considered contacting my local dealer to see if they could come close to matching that price, but I don't see how they could. They list the White 1934D--one model lower than the 2000ATS--for $799, currently on sale for $499. So if they're selling the lower model for $164 more than I paid for the top model and all the extras.....well, I just don't see how they could beat it. My dealer does include classes with purchase, but I hear--again on PR--that the video that comes with the machine is as good as taking a class. Even if I were willing to pay more and have the classes I'd have to come up with more cash. Not willing to do that. What I really think is that they would try to sell me a more expensive machine. I don't want to go through that. I've done my research and the machine I bought is the one I want and the price I paid is the lowest I found. When I am ready to upgrade and pay the really big bucks (like $355 isn't big) then I will probably work with a dealer because I'll want to sit down at different machines and try out all the features. I've never sewn with a serger--I bought this one based on price, features and reviews at allbrands.com and PR.
Yay! I got a serger!